Instead, you can make an ISO file and add just the Opera installer and reboot with that attached, then copy the file within the VM and run it that way. I even uploaded an EXE to a server without SSL but still couldn't convince IE to download it via HTTP. Opera 36 seems to be the best bet but I couldn't find a way to download it without SSL. Instead you'll need a more modern browser. Sadly, Internet Explorer can't be used to download a new browser as SSL is completely broken. Once that's done it's time to use the internet. I haven't gotten into the high DPI world so my 1920x1080 display worked like a charm. Right click on the desktop and jump through the menus and change the resolution to something more palatable. Once the installation is complete you'll have a 1024x768 desktop, or something like that. When prompted for a license you'll need to dig through your old drawer of operating system license codes. I've done this a million times but if it's your first time you might need to find a separate guide for that. Once this happens you'll need to go through the Windows XP installation process.

For that run this command: qemu-system-x86_64 \ The following command will make one with a size of 10GB which is plenty for goofing around with: qemu-img create -f qcow2 winxp.img 10GĪt this point you're ready to run the operating system and perform an installation. Next you'll need to create a virtual disk for the virtual machine to use. Download that file and save it as winxp.iso. Alternatively the Internet Archive has you covered as well.

Feel free to dig through your drawer of obsolete operating systems. Next, I needed a copy of a Windows XP installation disk. So, for this project, I opted to experiment with qemu.įirst, there are a bunch of packages that I needed to install: sudo apt install qemu-system qemu qemu-utils virt-manager

This makes it hard to install the headers and ultimately means that I haven't figured out how to run my usual Virtual Box. On my laptop I run a much more recent version of the kernel (5.15.55) than what my distro normally provides (Kubuntu 22.04). Just for a bit of nostalgia I thought it would be fun to fire up an emulator with Windows XP. 3 min read Multithreaded JavaScript, O'Reilly 2021, has been published!