(Full disclosure, I didn't fully understand how it worked at first, as I had missed that part of the post) Maybe Sonic could flash white when he can use it (or use a different jump animation a la drop dash), so it's a bit more intuitive? I'm not too keen on the double-jump, as it's hard to know if you're going fast enough to use it.I played through the whole thing just now (although I didn't find a single emerald), and here are a few of my errant thoughts:

The art in a lot of places kind of reminds me of old Disney games of that time (which sorta works in a funny way, given Sonic's Micky Mouse design inspiration). I'm not gonna lie, I've not been a huge fan of a lot of the 'Sonic 1 Beta Revival' stuff as of late, but I really had a great time with this one! Despite a couple of rough edges few and far between, there's a certain charm to it that's hard for me to articulate. Sonic Retro & SSRG for all the guides (Removing Sonic's speed cap, Dynamic Special Stage art, Different Level Headers per act, Fixing camera problems, Fixing death boundary bugs, Fixing Level Select bugs, Fixing drowning bugs, and many more.) ValleyBell (help with music about the UFO catcher) TheInvisibleSun (help with air pockets and changing Sonic's palette in them) Inferno (testing and coding help, feedback) Rivet (testing and coding help, feedback) Sleekflash-16 (testing, art, feedback, making sure the hack worked on real hardware, music) I want to thank everyone who's helped with the hack and make it possible: This hack also uses sounds from the recently found prototype. Sonic can also swim if you press jump while underwater with the goggles. However, you'll have to use it carefully, as you'll uncurl from a ball. Gather enough speed, and you'll be able to jump again while in the air. Sonic has a new ability, which is pretty much a double jump.